Age Verification: New customers must verify they are of legal age in their jurisdiction and at least 18 years old. If we suspect false information or underage individuals trying to use our services, we will take further steps to verify this. This includes potentially suspending the account and requesting proof of identity and age.
Registration Information: Customers must provide their name, address, and birth date during registration, ensuring the accuracy and truthfulness of this information.
Advertising Standards: We ensure our advertising, sponsorship, and promotional activities are not aimed at minors.
Age Restriction: does not permit anyone under 18 to use our services.
We strive to do our best but also need your assistance:
Use child protection software to block remote gambling sites from computers accessible to minors.
Do not leave your computer unattended while logged into our site.
Do not share your credit card or bank account details with minors.
Avoid using the “Save Password” option on any login screen.
Create separate user profiles for minors on shared computers to prevent access to your information.
If you suspect someone under 18 (or the legal age in their jurisdiction) is registered with us, please contact us immediately.